Execution deadline in working days
Individual person
Private law legal person
Receiving restrictions

Fishing for special purposes (fish farming, acclimatisation Fisheries Latvian Fish Resources Agency and other types of fishing) and scientific research purposes shall be made on the basis of a State scientific institute "Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment" BIOR "and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, in accordance with the harmonized operational rules for fishery programmes or projects based on scientific recommendations, and after the permit (licence) for the receipt of the State Environmental Service.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Onsite service may require, by mail or email (sending an application with secure electronic signature) State Environmental Service.
    An application for authorisation (licence) for fishing for special purposes or for scientific research purposes in inland waters of Latvia and Baltic sea coastal zone:
    Applicants shall append the national scientific institute "Institute of Food Safety, Animal Health and Environment" BIOR "(hereinafter – the Institute) and the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development coordinated operational regulations, copies of copies of their fishery programmes or projects, which determine the necessity to fish for special purposes or for scientific research purposes, as well as a document containing information about the envisaged deviations from the industrial fishing or angling rules and an indication of the catch quantities specified in the fishermen catch limits are not counted. If the applicant's Institute, the fishery shall be co-ordinated with the programmes submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture. If any of those documents several permits (licences) for the issuance of relevant documents shall not be necessary.

  2. Receipt of services
    The service is delivered onsite or via postal mail.
    At the same time, with the permit (licence) for fishing for special purposes or for scientific research purposes in the State Environmental Service shall issue a logbook.